

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Make Quick Easy Money

With the old, and all but forgotten business of Wildcrafting, it is obvious that even in todays economy it is still possible to make quick easy money. As easy as it has become to just run out to a retail outlet and purchase the things that we either want or need, we have given little thought as to the source of the materials used in the manufacturing of these products. For instance, it is almost the holidays and we wish to purchase a wreath for our front door, provided that we don't know how to make one ourselves. So we run out to any one of a number of places and we buy one. Or we may want to buy a flower arrangement for some special reason. So we go to a florist shop and order one. We usually purchase these items without a second thought as to where the materials of which they are made may have come from.
Wildcrafters supply a vast multitude of industries. Researchers, florists, nurseries, private individuals, etc. are buying everything from barks, boughs, mushrooms and moss, to herbs, nuts, cones, and burls (and hundreds of other items) to be used for hobbies and crafts, decorations, pharmaceutical research, landscaping, household use (fire wood, fence posts, etc.) and many other things. These items are usually referred to as non-timber forest products. And they are commonly harvested, By permit, from our public lands by Wildcrafters that understand the profit potential of this industry.
Mountains, deserts, swamps, or plains, it doesn't matter which area of this country that you may live in, it is almost guaranteed that there is at least a few items, and probably more, that are native to your area and available for harvest on your local public lands. (BLM, Forest Service, etc.) Wildcrafting is a multi million dollar a year industry, and with a few quick and easy steps you could be out there tomorrow harvesting your share.

The steps are simple and consist of...
Step 1. Locate Buyers;
Locate a purchasing agents in your area (a good guide with a listing of buyers will make this easier). Most end users of products (florists, researchers, manufacturers, etc.) do not buy directly from Wildcrafters because the volume of materials that they use on an annual basis can not be met directly from individual harvesters. Where as the purchasing agent buys product from many harvesters and then sells in high volume to the various manufacturers and end users. Find out what the purchasing agent is currently buying, then ask them for a copy of their specifications on that product.
Step 2. Locate Product;
Take an afternoon and go out and have a nice relaxing hike through some of your local public areas and take a survey of what is growing where, and locate some areas that have large concentrations of the items that are currently in demand by the purchasing agent. And also you may want to make a mental note of concentrations of other items that may be in demand in the future. (A good guide listing products that have established commercial markets can be very valuable in identifying these items.) Make sure you can identify these areas on a map, or mark the location on a GPS so you can pin point them in step 3.
Step 3. Purchase Permit;
Visit the local office of the managers of the targeted area, (BLM, Forest Service, etc.) and purchase a harvest permit, which in most cases will be as little as $.03 per pound, it all depends on the product that is to be harvested. This permit must be with you at all times while harvesting is being done.
Step 4. Harvest Your Product;
Harvest and bundle the items according to the specifications given to you by the purchasing agent. These specs will tell you what quality, size, configuration, etc. of the item is acceptable and they will also spell out the preferred packaging procedure. Specifications, although basicly the same for similar items, may vary slightly from one purchasing agent to the next, based on their customers preference's. The point is that no matter where you live in this country, there is something that is native to your area, that is growing on our public lands that has an established commercial market. And all you have to do is learn what it is, where it is, and how to harvest and market it.
So my friend, as you can see, there is no longer any reason why any of us should be going without those things we want or need when it is so easy to just harvest the money that we require from the public lands around us.
There are millions of dollars at stake! Get your share! To discover just how easy it is to make quick easy money with your own Wildcrafting business, just take a moment and log onto http://www.harvestthewild.com/ and find out how quickly and easily you can start harvesting those...Wild Buck$

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